Psalm 80

Hear, O Shepherd of Israel
Thou that leadest Joseph
We, Thy people, seek Thy face
O, guide us LORD today
Help us never stray from Thee
Keep us in the way of Thine
Hold us closely in Thy hand
Protect us, LORD, we pray

Help us and keep us,
Turn us again
Cause Thy face to shine, O God,
And we shall be saved

Return, O Lord, we beseech Thee
Look down, O God of hosts
See us from Thy place above
And visit us in love
Let Thy hand be upon us
Deliv’ring from all evil
Quicken and revive our hearts
And we will praise Thy name

Broken, Shattered

Broken, shattered! I’m all that is left
Beaten, battered! Searching for a cleft
Struggles before me; death stands behind
People surround me cold and unkind

Broken, shattered! The dark fills my eyes
Beaten, battered! Endless death my prize
Empty inside of me, froze to the core
Wanting not to be here anymore

Broken, shattered! The Lord in my place
Beaten, battered! Can you see His face?
He bled and died for me; free I could go
No one but Jesus ever loved me so

Jesus, Savior, He’s waiting for you
Lay down your arms; trust His word is true
He can revive you, make you to grow
Surrender your all to Him, then you will know
Put your trust in Him and you can know

The Cross of Jesus

Before the cross of Jesus the symbol of His love
Lay all the sin and sorrow of those He came to save
The great redeeming Savior, the Carpenter and King
Gave up His flesh for wicked men, His children’s way to pave

How could a child of sorrow receive eternal peace?
How could a God of justice forgive our wickedness?
The Answer born a baby, grew up a perfect Man
And suffered for His chosen ones while on the cross He bled

Upon the Lord was laden the sins of fallen men
A perfect substitution, His blood has made us clean
We need no other offering; The Lamb of God was slain
His wound have paid the sinners’ way; our pardon is secure

But the story was not over. O, death, where is your sting?
The Conqueror, the Son of God, has risen from the grave
Now as Christ has joined His Father as the Victor over death
His children have a hope secure, a joy that’s measureless

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepherd
I shall not want
He makes me to lie down in pastures green
And He leads me beside the still waters flow

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

My soul He restores;
My way He contrives
He faithfully leads me in righteous paths
For the sake of His name, His glorious name

Though I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil, for You are with me
Thy rod and Thy staff, they still comfort me

Before me a table
You will prepare
In the company of my enemies
You anoint my head; my cup overflows

A Plea for Joy

As we come to You lifting up Your name
To magnify for men Your glory, Lord
Let us fix our eyes on Your matchless splendor
Let us lose ourselves in Your loveliness
Bringing empty hands before Your throne
Won’t You fill our hearts with Your endless joy?

Predispose our hearts to Your glorious truths
As You turn our thoughts from all earthly gain
From the highest peak to the lowest valley
All creation speaks of Your awesome power
As You flung the stars from Your fingers, Lord
Let Your glory fill our hearts with joy

Father, hear our plea; open up our eyes
That we might behold the wonders of Your law
May we see Your love, Your grace and mercy
May we see Your justice and Your strength
May we see You, Lord, as You truly are
And let Your holiness fill our hearts with joy

Please unite our hearts wholly to delight
To fear Your name, and to know Your grace
May You satisfy our endless longings
That we may rejoice for all our days
May the world’s false hope fade into the night
Let the morning bring Your glorious light
Fill our hearts today with Your glorious light

Psalm 1

Blessed is the one who turns away
From where the wicked walk,
Who does not stand in sinners’ paths
Or sit with those who mock.

Instead he finds God’s holy law
His joy and great delight;
He makes the precepts of the LORD
His study day and night.

He prospers ever like a tree
That’s planted by a stream,
And in due season yields its fruit;
Its leaves are always green.

Not so the wicked! They are like
The chaff that’s blown away
They will not stand when judgment comes
Or with the righteous stay.

It is the LORD who sees and knows
The way the righteous go,
But those who live an evil life
The LORD will overthrow.

Paul’s Hymn

He is the image of invisible God,
The firstborn of all creatures
For by Him all things were made
In Heaven and on earth
Visible and invisible
Whether thrones or dominions
Rulers or authorities
All things were made through Him and for Him

He is before all things
And in Him all things consist
And He is the head of the body
The church

Christ, the beginning, firstborn from the dead
Preeminent in all things
For in Him all the fullness of God
Was pleased to dwell
And through Him to reconcile
To Himself all things
Whether on earth or in heaven
Making peace by the blood of His cross

Be Thou My Vision

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me save that Thou art
Thou my best thought, by day of by night
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light

Be Thou my wisdom and Thou my true word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord
Thou my great Father and I Thy true Son
Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee, One

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise
Thou mine inheritance now and always
Thou and Thou only be first in my heart
High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art

High King of Heaven, my victory win
May I reach Heaven’s joys, I bright Heaven’s sun
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all

Psalm 117

Let every nation, tribe, and tongue
Praise the Lord for what He’s done
Sing of His wonder, His glory, His fame
His faithfulness is forever

For great is His love
It’s matchlessness proclaim
Sing of His love
His faithfulness is forever

I Remember the Cross

Lord Jesus, I remember Your sacrifice
You saved me from my sin its vice
It held me to crush me; I could not escape
Until You came and took my blame

Lord, I remember the cross
I remember the death you died for me
Lord, I remember the cross
You took my stain, my sin, my guilt
And bore them on that tree
I remember Calvary

Dear Savior, I remember the day You came
Into my life, You gave me Your name
The price has been paid, there is naught left to do
Please take my heart, it’s all for You

O Father, I thank You that You have seen
The blood of Your Son has washed me so clean
His white robes we’ll wear when forever is here
For by the cross, I can draw near

Hope for All Years

Jesus, You are my glorious Savior
King, oh Most High, my Sustainer
You breathe Your life into me
Wondrous grace that I have not
Deserved; You gave what I cannot
Beaten, bruised, and afflicted for me

This is Your world
This is Your sovereignty
This is my hope for all years
You hold the sun
All nature bows down to you
This is my hope for all years

Jesus, You’re my salvation
Redeemer, Healer, and Comforter
You hold me from the world’s anomie
Prince of peace that the world cannot Take in;
Waves crash around me, but
You always shelter me under your wing

Here I Am

Here I am Lord my God
Still my heart and lift my eyes
To see You, to hear You

Reveal Your mind my hard heart to break
Take my feet and set them straight
To see You, to hear You

How can I hunger when you fill me?
I long to stand in Your presence Lord
You fill my cup, it’s never empty
Oh, Father God, reveal Yourself to me

My soul longs for more of You
Though evil comes You guide me through
To see You, to hear You

Here I am, what more can I do?
I’ll hold my breath as I wait for You.